Monday, May 4, 2015

May the Fourth be with You

Happy Star Wars Day my friends! :) I hope you celebrate appropriately. 

This week was, well, it was a strange week. Sister Adair abandoned me yesterday...and as a result, I was without a missionary companion for the first time in over 8 months. I MIGHT have had a mental breakdown. And I learned that I will never be able to go home, because....I can't do the whole being alone thing. So there's that for you. So I had a "member companion" and all was well. They fed me ice cream and everything was okay. 

Okay, so this week was, as I said, a strange week. It was my last week with Sister Adair and I didn't really get to be with her. 

On Tuesday, I was in Glenwood with mi mami! :) I was her last exchange ever! It was pretty exciting. But it was a great day, and I loved getting to be with her again. 

After that exchange ended, I went to Rifle to be with Sister Salazar for Wednesday. This is her first transfer in the field..and she is SUCH a boss! Such a great missionary, it was such a pleasure to be with her for the day! I learned a lot from her! And, I got to meet some people that I've heard about from Sister Chandler! I met Sissy Hope! And it was fabulous and I fell in love with that family. So I definitely get why Chandzy talked about them all the time. :) 

Then my 48 hours of exchanges ended. And I was back to Eagle. And on Thursday, we had District Meeting. It was the last District Meeting of the transfer, so we made a party of it. It started out with breakfast. Elder Serrano (our District Leader) evidently makes the "Serrano Special" every transfer. And this is what that entails: pancakes with m&ms in the batter, topped with cookies and cream ice cream, syrup, and whipped cream. It was a RIDICULOUS amount of sugar. But it was surprisingly delightful. But I don't ever want to eat it again. Then we had the meeting. And we ended with a barbecue. Which was so fun. 

That's really the most exciting parts of this week. Then Sister Adair left me all by myself at church (in my mission, missionaries who are going home have to go to Denver for a meeting on Monday, ad that is when her ride could leave), and I went to Young Womens instead of Relief Society and I may or may not have cried through the entire lesson. But it was fine. All was well. Eventually Sister Pierce got a ride down to Eagle so that I could have a missionary companion. And all was right in the world again! 

I am really excited for this new transfer. I know that a lot of really great things are going to happen in Eagle and I'm really excited to work really hard and see so many miracles! 

I'm grateful for all of you and all of the love and support you always give me! 

Con amor,
Hermana Sherilyn Harper

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