Monday, June 15, 2015

Sometimes you accidentally leave your zone without permission... #astleastitwasntthemissionagain

My lovely family and friends.

This week was slightly more normal than the last few weeks. But it hasn't been normal, that's for sure. I don't even know where I want to start with this week. 

I guess we'll start out with transfer news: I am staying in Eagle for another transfer! :) I basically cried of happiness! My companion, Sister Bauer, is going to be transferred. So we're still going strong with the whole only-have-a-companion-for-one-transfer thing. I might be a problem, friends. ;) Along those same lines, I never get a district leader for more than a transfer either. Basically I just ruin everyone around me. The struggle is real! 

This week we had another trip to Denver. The last one, thank goodness. Master has given Sister Harper a sock! Sister Harper is FREEEEE! My sentiments. I'm grateful that I'll be able to get to normalcy again. Sing praises. 

So, I just wanted to tell you all about a miracle that we had this week. 

A week or two back, we found the most wonderful investigator ever. His name is Salvador. We put him on date the first lesson, and he was just way too cool. So this Friday, we had an appointment set up to do a church tour with him. Unfortunately he had to cancel, because he was still working. So we set one up for Saturday. Saturday morning, we were in contact with him and confirmed that we were still good to have the church tour. He said yes and that he was going to bring a friend. So we got everything set up, and he texted us right at the time he was supposed to be there, telling us that his friend was unable to come and he couldn't come either. We asked him if it would be okay to have some friends come pick him up. He said he wanted to talk to us first. So, naturally, we start panicking. Natural response. We prayed the entire drive to his apartment, and we had the members we brought with us follow and wait in the parking lot. So Salvador was talking to us, and he was trying to drop us. He told us that he'd already been baptized and he didn't want to waste our time. So we started asking him some questions. We found out that he had read the pamphlet about the message of the restoration, but hadn't prayed to know if it was true. We felt inspired to have him say a prayer right then. So we stood there in silence for about 20 minutes, after explaining how to pray and reassuring him that he could do it. Then I told him I could say an example prayer if he would say one after me. He eventually did pray. It was SUCH a beautiful prayer, the Spirit was so strong. So we asked him how he was feeling. He said he felt peaceful and tranquil and happy. We testified to him that it was the Holy Spirit testifying to him that the message is true. He told us that he believes that God loves him and sent us to knock on his door for a reason. Then we did end up having the church tour. And Salvador was ALREADY friends with the member that we had brought with us. :) The church tour was amazing. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to come to church yesterday. Something came up. But he did come to our English class. And we set up another time to be able to come talk to him more about this message. He is so excited to be learning more. And I am so excited to be helping him in this journey. 

Another thing I had an overwhelming realization of this week is that.....the purpose of life is to be happy. That's all God wants for us, is to be happy. But not only now. In the eternities as well. Sometimes, it's such a weird thing to realize that God wants me to be happy. But that's it. That's what He wants for me. He loves us all so much more than we could ever imagine. And because He loves us and wants us to be happy, he sent Jesus Christ to the earth, to be our Savior. To atone for our sins. To suffer all of our pains, weaknesses, and sadness. I am so grateful for the atonement. For the knowledge I have of our Savior. For the knowledge I have of His love for me individually. The atonement is real. And it is through the atonement that we can have happiness today, and in the eternities. 

I love you all so much. I hope you have a fantastic week. 
Con amor,
Hermana Sherilyn Harper 

-Sister Bauer and I.. :) I'm going to miss her. 

Because this is the photo that describes our companionship. :) 

Actually not really. 

It's just one of my favorites. :)

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