Wednesday, September 9, 2015

"We could have chest love right now if you want...."

~The last companionship selfie with my lovely
Hermana Salazar and her cute blue mustache. :)~
~The Deckers. :) I LOVE THEM.~
"...or not. It's all up to you." --My favorite homeless man in the whole world. Mateus. From Brazil. Haha. We met him while we were doing service at the homeless shelter, he struck up a conversation with us and wanted us to teach him. We didn't have any plans after service, so we walked to the library with him and taught him basically all of the lessons. It was great. But he was explaining to us about chest love, which is what that quote is. Basically, it's just love you can only have with your friends. The whole story is way more hilarious, but I'm too lazy to type it all out.
Well friends, I've been transferred to Montrose, Colorado. It's really pretty here. It reminds me a lot of Montana. Except that the weather is better. Hahaha. I've met lots of cool people here, and I'm excited to learn and help this area grow! My new companion is the wonderful Hermana Chavez. She's a native speaker. Basically she's fabulous. I'm going to learn a lot from her. She's determined that she's going to break my new-companion-every-transfer streak.  We'll see. Everyone is determined to break that streak. And it never happens. Hahaha.
I was sad to leave my wonderful Hermana Salazar. I miss her a lot. We had such a fun transfer together. But I'm grateful to be here in Montrose. Leaving Montrose was SO weird. The only person that wanted to say goodbye to me was the Decker family. Which is fine, because they were my favorites anyway. ;) (I'm sure other people would have said goodbye to me, but no one was home or wouldn't call/text us back, or cancelled our appointments. That was a struggle.)
Here's my new address, if you want to send me letters or something.... ;)

68476 Trout Rd.
Montrose, CO 81403
I hope you all know that Jesus Christ loves you. Like. Ridiculous amounts. He suffered for all of your pains and your sadness on such an individual basis. And he only did that because He LOVES you. He suffered through everything alone so that we never have to. Rely on Him. Let His love fill your life.

I hope that you all have a wonderful week. Love and miss you all.
With chest love,
Hermana Sherilyn Harper
Mateus, the homeless man. :)
Maya; one time we were in a trio with her. :) She's my favorite dog everrrr.

Our cool new beanies that one of my favorite members made for us. :)
Elder Morales, my "stepdad!" Our last selfie as missionaries, since he goes home in two transfers. #dyinginDenver

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